Every Health and safety issue dismissed and there is nothing we can do :(

Last week we were told they would speak to the planning and get this moved to the 5.5 acres of land they have, so it is away from our gardens, this is what I woke up today

this is the meeting after the planning officer failed to speak to us before she passed this, at the time of this meeting I was 37 weeks with my child after loss.

Email response as he could not pick up the phone to me, as we had a chance to move this, and the director was on holiday,,,so if a car comes through our garden, I HOPE to god it does not 

Dear xxx

Further to your email below, as you will be aware from your conversation with Julie Fawkes, Mr. Larner is on leave this week. Therefore I have been asked to provide a response to the points which you have raised below. I have replied via your partner’s email address as we do not appear to have your full address on your email below.

Planning permission has been granted for development on the site and the applicant is entitled to implement that permission. However, if your neighbour no longer wishes to construct the development they do not have to do so. Equally if they wish to change the scheme it is open to them to apply to us to do something different.

However, this must come from the applicant. The Local Planning Authority is unable to amend a consent which has already been granted unless an amendment is applied for by the applicant.

If your neighbour wishes to discuss an amended scheme with us we would be very happy to assist.

I have addressed your concerns regarding the Council’s handling of the application in my Stage 1  complaint response so will not reiterate those points here. Mr Larner will review my response and will issue a Stage 2 reply to your complaint on his return.

With regard to your request to see copies of consultation letters, I have attached for your information copies of the consultation letters to highways and the Parish Council.

As detailed in my previous response, unlike some Councils HPBC does not have any supplementary planning guidance relating to equestrian development. There are no specific health and safety regulations pertaining to planning applications. Planning Officers assess planning applications in accordance with policies in the adopted High Peak Local Plan 2016 which can be found on our website.

I trust that the above is of assistance.


my email to them

Dear Director,
I sent the email below on the 25th May and not had any acknowledgement, I have since spoken to our neighbours and they did not want this track either in their garden and would prefer this to be in the field as you can see on the plans as ‘existing gate to the field on beet lane’

in which this would be a lot safer for us and this would be a decent distant away from our children's rooms and the impact would not be that great to our trees and shrubs and it would allow me to sleep a lot easier!!!

Seeing as the stables have been approved even though they are much bigger than above the guidelines on the horsing association's guidance, surely someone in the planning office can accept that the steep incline poses a risk to our home of this track, if someone in planning could finally meet us on site before works start!!!

Had they given us the respect to our property and our concerns a meeting on site before planning was approved would have avoided us putting a formal complaint in and agreed that the track is too close, it’s easy to look at the drawing and say it is okay, but the fact remains it is too close and when you look outside our window when standing inside our home and stand in our garden this track is daunting, though that everyone is dismissing the health and safety of this.

I feel greatly that the planning have handle this incredibly insensitive, and instead of coming to site to see what I see, and could agree with a resolution but instead I was told at 37 weeks pregnant at the time that I have to sue the council and start a debate with our neighbours which is just plain ridiculous when I am now dealing with a new born baby as well as suffering with PTSD which all of this is impacting my health more and yet again you tell us to change this we need to sue and take up a civil matter with our neighbours, I also feel that we wasted money on a planning consultant because this planning was agreed before it was even shown to us. I find this incredibly unfair when this all could have been avoided if your planning officer took the time to see us before she passed the plans.

I therefore would like to see the letter sent under the freedom of information, the letter sent to the highways, and the local council as I feel greatly they are not aware of the health and safety risks as Jane did not go to the right area of our garden the parts which concerns are being ignored greatly.

I also like a copy of the planning teams health and safety regulations and copy of the planning for horsing as other councils have.

I am hoping someone in planning can call me as a matter of urgency to arrange a meeting if at all possible tomorrow as our neighbour would like to start works, but if they able to have the track in the field it would be suitable for all parties.

However if the above is not possible and the track goes ahead, I will hold the planning office team liable for ignoring all of our health and safety issues, I have lived here for 7 years and now I feel unsafe in my home due to this track going in, and I am not overall happy with how close the stables are as they are not within the horsing guidelines, and overpowering

I am hoping that common sense prevails and that planning can start to listen rather than find a counter argument to justify their decisions, at the moment I feel like I am not being listen to and I might as speak to the brick wall....

I am hoping that the planning can agree to put this track away from our home and into the field where it should be and not a garden, and if they could agree for the stables to be built to the horsing guidelines of 30 metres from our boundary

I trust someone will care enough to deal with this today, my number is xxxxxxx or my partner number isxxxxxx

Please acknowledge my email

with thanks


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